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Music is a big part of my life. I simply love it. My collection of music varies greatly. If you look on my shelf you'll find Shania Twain next to Ludacris, Gretchen Wilson next to Andrea Bocelli, Sheryl Crow next to Frank Sinatra. I go through moods in music where I will listen to a different genre for months at a time. Some music doesn't get played for 1-2 yrs in some cases.
It comes as a surprise to other people who are fans of music that I have never been to a concert. Rolling Stones last gig in Toronto at Downsview Park? Nope. Frank Sinatra before he passed away? Nope. Duran Duran before punk hit the crapper? Nope.
The topic of concerts came up one day with a good friend of mine a couple of years ago. I thought for a moment and came to the conclusion that if I were to see a concert, there were only 2 groups/performers I would see (which she also agreed) - Gypsy Kings and Sheryl Crow. That says a lot. I don't want to get high at a rocker concert, and some of the classics like Sinatra are best listened to over a glass of red wine. But Sheryl Crow and The Gypsy Kings are different. I could imagine sitting at their concerts and truly enjoying the "live" experience.
So the opportunity came upon me - sort of like a freak accident meant to be. Sheryl Crow announced a concert date at Casino-Rama, Ontario, Canada in July of 2006. At the same time, the same friend I originally had the conversation about concerts with was having a 30th birthday. Lightbulbs went off in my head. What a perfect gift! For her and me! I was about to lose my concert virginity!
To those who have never seen a concert or event at Casino-Rama, let me tell you this ... it is big. I wouldn't say the acoustics there are fabulous, but good enough to make the experience worthwhile. All in all the concert was enjoyable. Sheryl was an act that I truly enjoyed watching and hearing. Although for some reason I expected it to be longer than it was. And I sure wish the light-show wasn't so annoyingly bright so that I could take a picture of Sheryl on stage with my cameraphone that I had sneaked in (it was in my pocket). Besides, the Maytags in front of us were difficult to focus with.
I hope Sheryl had a good time in Toronto.
I'm in Shoppers Drug Mart the other day for something that I just can't remember ... it always seems that I originally intend to purchase 3-4 items but end up leaving with only 1, not realizing until I'm home that I missed the other items.
I'm browsing through the the men's grooming section ... which by the way isn't with the rest of the guys stuff. Why is that? Intentional? I have to browse through the entire store trying to find the item I need. Ever notice how many different brands of women's hygiene products there are? And how many frikken variations of Tylenol are out there? One for the morning, one for night, one for colds, one for flu, etc.
So I'm over at the shaving cream section, and what catches my eye but a bright yellow bottle with the words "HEAD LUBE" on it. My mind starts to wander, "why isn't this in the section with the condoms and KY gelly?". Gee, catchy name. Upon further inspection I find out that it's for guys who shave their heads. Fancy that, a shaving cream for balding men.
Yes, that's right. I said it. I can't see anybody shaving their head for a reason other than the fact that they have little or no hair, and want to hide the receding hairline. I've been a little envious that I can't look like Vin Diesel or Howie Mandel, but I've been blessed with a full head of hair like a mop. Granted, that hair has it's price, I have the head the size of a watermelon.
The next time you're in a Shoppers Drug Mart, just peruse the aisles to find out what kind of products are out there. You'll find some strange items, and perhaps you'll notice the personal massager on the top shelf above the condoms.
What the hell was Toyota smoking when they came up with this one? I've always hated the design of the tailgage and spare tire of the Toyota Rav4. They've just carried over the last generation Rav4 design over to the new generation. They insist on wrapping the spare tire in a fibreglass casing and warp the rear hatch at the same time.
Honestly, the new Rav4 has a very interesting new shape to it. The stance is wider, it seems a little less "gimpy" and has a overall appeal to it ... that is, until you see the rear hatch. They've decided to incorporate the spare tire into the body at the same time obstructing the rear view by as much as 1/3 the height of the rear window. Not to mention lowering the bumper to accomodate the tire.
I've never been a fan of externally visible spare tires on street-inspired SUVs. It looks natural on the Jeep Wrangler/TJ/YJ series, and somewhat acceptable on the Jeep Liberty line. On the Suzuki Sidekick it was necessary because there wasn't a whole lot of room elsewhere. And it just suited the old Ford Bronco original line of SUVs (why do I always associate Chuck Norris with a Bronco ?).
I think Toyota would have been much better off placing the spare tire inside the truck buried under the rear cargo space. Well, the typical Rav4 owner would have no clue what to do if it was buried under the truck externally visible like the Jeep Cherokee or Chevrolet trucks.
Maybe then the design team for the Rav4 could have carried over the design cues to the rear of the truck. And maybe if I was lucky, they'd change the hinge location while they're at it.