Monday, July 9, 2007

Windows Vista drivers for a 3Com 3C902

For those of you contemplating the upgrade to Windows Vista I strongly encourage you to visit the manufacturers website to see if all components of your computer have Vista drivers. I started playing around with Vista on my Dell Inspiron 4150 laptop only to find out that 2 components (the 3Com network card and fax modem) were not detected.

Even though the score of Vista came out to 1.0 (because of the score on the integrated ATI Radeon Mobility 7500 M7 video card) it still generally runs ok - although I soon picture moving back to Windows XP.

For those curious to get this laptop running with Windows Vista you will soon enough find out that no drivers can be detected for the 3Com 3C902 network card. Well, I'm not sure if it's because network technology between Vista and XP hasn't changed but you can install the Windows XP drivers found HERE to get it running in Vista. Download the file 3c90x1.exe and double-click. Once the files within that archive have been uncompressed to a new directory, have Vista search the newly created directory.

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