Saturday, May 6, 2006

Paint Shop Pro 5.0

I wipe out my main system every 6 months or so ... to clean any viruses, slowdowns, or bad installs. It's a habit I have and it keeps my system running in tip-top order. So I rummaged through some of my archive DVDs of software I bought trying re-install all my old programs.

I came across Jasc's Paint Shop Pro 5.0. What a cool little paint program. This was one of my initial purchases and it has more than paid for itself over and over. I haven't found much of a reason to upgrade to newer versions, as with all the new features come the more complicated menus, slower load times, and just plain annoyances. I know my PSP 5 and I'll stick with it thank you, unless Corel (the new owners) decide to go back to the grass-roots of PSP.

Regardless, now that they have gone through 3 more versions they seem to assume there is no more reason to support the old 5.0 version. And I know there was a 3rd and final patch which fixed some bugs and updated some features.

Anyways, since I could not easily find it on the web I am providing a download link to the update (not the actual program!) for those who find this piece of software to still be useful.

Here is the link psp503up.exe

Enjoy! Hopefully Corel doesn't crap on me for doing this.

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