Wednesday, May 16, 2007

An ideal photo gallery template

For those of you who designing websites and are not newbies, here's a website that in my opinion has the ideal photo gallery template design. Although it is not for the faint of heart as it involves Movable Type and some custom scripts. The site is by Douglas Bowman and can be found here :

I've based one of my website's photo gallery on his general design. Although the website photo gallery I created was based in ASP .Net and still has some manual procedures in the process, it's general "feel" is that of Douglas's site.

Photos are uploaded through an admin interface and added to a SQL database. The only process I have yet to automate is the cropping of each photo album. Each photo album's thumbnail is a cropped copy of one of the images within the album. Right now I use 2 separate programs to perform the adjustment.

My photo gallery can be found here : photo gallery

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